Cloud-based object storage vs. on-site object storage

April 01, 2022

Cloud-based object storage vs. on-site object storage

Storage is a critical aspect of any business activity, and businesses have long relied on on-site storage solutions for their data storage needs. However, in recent years, cloud-based object storage has steadily gained popularity as a reliable alternative to on-site storage. In this post, we will compare the two storage options, highlighting their key differences, and help you determine which storage option is best for your needs.

What is on-site object storage?

On-site object storage is a storage architecture that involves storing data on-site, typically within the confines of a local data center or server room. This type of storage uses a physical disk or tape-based hardware, which can be expensive to acquire and maintain. On-site object storage can be beneficial as it provides greater control and faster access to data than cloud-based object storage.

What is cloud-based object storage?

Cloud-based object storage is a storage solution that involves storing data on a cloud platform, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure, where data can be accessed via the internet. Cloud-based object storage provides businesses with the ability to store large amounts of data at an affordable cost without purchasing or maintaining expensive on-site hardware.



On-site storage typically requires expensive hardware acquisition and maintenance, while cloud-based storage is cheaper, it doesn't require a large upfront cost and only requires a minimal ongoing maintenance cost, such as a monthly subscription fee, which depends on storage usage. In the long run, this approach can save businesses a significant amount of money.


Cloud-based storage offers significant scalability as businesses can easily and quickly increase cloud-based storage capacity by the gigabyte or terabyte as their storage needs grow. Whereas, on-site storage requires businesses to purchase additional hardware, which can take time to acquire and configure.


On-site storage solutions only allow for data access on-site, whereas cloud-based storage enables users to access their data from anywhere with an internet connection. This feature makes cloud-based storage ideal for businesses with teams operating from various locations around the world.


On-site storage provides greater control over data security as organizations can keep their data under their control. In contrast, cloud-based storage provides multiple layers of security like encryption, access control, and network security.


Cloud-based object storage and on-site object storage have their unique advantages and disadvantages. Cloud-based storage is cost-effective, scalable, easily accessible, and offers high-security with efficiency. On the other hand, on-site storage provides greater control and faster access to data. Businesses should carefully consider their storage needs and evaluate the differences between these two options before making a decision.


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